Showing category "Work related Issues" (Show all posts)

Bullying in the Workplace

Posted by Anne-Marie Hearne on Monday, April 30, 2012, In : Work related Issues 
Bullying in the Workplace

We often hear about bullying in the schoolyard and as a result can associate bullying as being a problem for children. However bullying in the workplace is also very common and is perhaps not recognised or reported to the extent that it should be. Bullying crosses all divides. Bullying can be hierarchical, peer or upwards. In the U.K. the national Workplace Bullying Advice Line and Bully on Line reported that 75% of bullying cases involved individuals being bullied by...
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Work Stress and the Recession

Posted by Anne-Marie Hearne on Tuesday, March 27, 2012, In : Work related Issues 
   Work Stress and the Recession

Stress in the work place is not a new phenomenon. There has always been stress arising from, for example, meeting deadlines, people conflict and demanding bosses but since the recession, surveys carried out in Ireland and research from the U.K. and U.S.A. show that there has been a significant rise in stress in the workplace. The main factor contributing to this stress is fear. Fear for one’s job which in turn causes feelings of insecurity and vulnerability w...

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To talk with Anne-Marie on any of the issues raised in the blog call 01 2147613

Over 14 years of experience working with clients in a professional counselling and psychotherapy setting. I have worked on a wide range of issues with individuals, male and female, of all ages coming from many different cultures and backgrounds. My approach is very down to earth and integrative which means that I draw on different models of therapy and use whichever one or combination is best suited to the individual. To speak to Anne-Marie confidentially call 01-2147613 or email